About Us

We're changing the way people and businesses help each other

Universal SuSu is platform that allows you to join, create or manage SuSu communities as a part of our network.

We enable members to create, grow and manage their own communities.

We also offer SuSus that are created and wholly owned and managed by universal SuSu, we insure all contributions made by members. This means that every contribution paid to your account minus what monies that has been paid to you will be refunded in the event your SuSu community is disolved at any point.

Interested in Learning Forex Trading and Making Residual Weekly Revenue?

Universal SuSu has partnered with IM Academy

Universal SUSU is a pioneering community that is redefiing what it means to build wealth. Our approach is multi dimensional.

Forex Market

The foreign exchange market (in other words, forex) is the largest financial market in the world, weighing in at $6.6 trillion/day in volume. Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to get involved?

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Training, Education and Other Services

IM is made up of a suite of services that are designed to educate and empower our members to learn how to trade within the largest financial market in the world, forex. Education is our focus, and success is our obsession. Residual Income

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See the Proof and Hear What People are Saying Around The World

The IM Platform is built upon the results of our members. The only reason we’ve been around as long as we have, and continue to grow month over month is because of the results we get for our members

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Empower and Enrich

Discover the power to control your life, giving you the confidence to go after the lifestyle you want. Experience a higher quality of life where you can receive fulfillment and abundance within the 5 areas of life.

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We are Available Worldwide

Universal SuSu is a global platform that offers the right SuSu solution regardless of where members are geographic located in the world.

Meet Our Team

We Are Team Of Professionals


Jack Semper

Majority Owner


Ann Smith

Finance Lead


Philip Wilson

Community Lead